Monday, September 14, 2009

In the beginning . . . .

Day One:
Jacob arrived a few days ago.  We've been making basic plans and gathering the first resources that we will need to start the project.  Lia doesn't arrive until tomorrow and we don't want to plan too much without her input.  I am already learning new things.  First: Jacob told me of the beautiful herb spiral that we will build.  We will use the rare and precious stone "Urbanite".  I have been wondering where we would have to go to obtain this beautiful rock and hoping that the cost was less than the granite we just installed in the kitchen. 
Today my yard is full of Urbanite and I have a grateful neighbor that doesn't have to worry about hauling away the concrete slab laying out in his field.  Hopefully I will have to USB cable to the camera in the next day or so and photos will be posted.

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