Thursday, October 8, 2009

Photos of the progress.

Over worked and under paid.Everyone loves Lia.Ahhhhhh.Beautiful urbanite raised beds and herb spiral.Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme, I have them all and I think it means I'm going to a fair.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My blogging is almost as infrequent as my letter writing.

Sorry it has been sooooo long since my last entry.  I had photos to post and spent the day trying to figure out how to do that.  My garden is progressing wonderfully.  The more I see the more I appreciate what Jacob and Lia have brought into my life.  I know now that the Alpaca poo the cardboard and all the good compost (thanks to Lia's family is bringing my soil to life.  The first time I see a worm it will be a time to rejoyce!. 
We had a huge yard that no one used and did not draw you into.  Now we have this amazing space that already compels you to investigate.  It takes up to 3 years for a permaculture garden to really come to life.  I can already see what is in my futute.
I have to mention a local nursery and the owner Janice who has given so freely of her time and knowlegde.  "Bunyards Barnyard" in Roseburg.  She has a passion and years of gardening experience.  I love her nursery and the great plants she has. 
Tomorrow most of our fall plants will go into the ground.  We will have Blueberries and lots of native berries.  We are planting a fig tree and you should see my herb spiral. 
Jacob and Lia have truly had the vision and the blood, sweat and tears for this project.  I will never be able to thank them enough.
I am a great fan of HGTV and the designers always say, it is their job to make a space beyond what the owner could ever imagine.
Belive me, I could never imagine what is taking place in my back yard.
Photos to follow when I figure at the technology.
Speaking of technology, I can't find the spell check.  I will post this as is.